Ready for Chocolatey Easter Deliciousness ?
We’re excited to share our favourite chocolate cake recipe, primped and preened to majestically entertain at Easter time.
You will need two cakes, and a double batch of chocolate buttercream or ganache (recipes below) plus a bag of pastel candy coated Easter eggs. We found our eggs at Sydney’s Perfection chocolate shop. Once the cakes have been baked and cooled, slice each one crossways in half. Stack the cake halves together using the buttercream or ganache. Coat the stacked cake in buttercream or ganache. Decorate with the easter eggs. Beautiful!
(An updated and gorgeous version of this cake (from the kitchen of Elza Levin) is in our new book, Now for Something Sweet: Chocolate and Marmalade Celebration Cake)

MMCC's Best Chocolate Cake Ever
- 250 g Unsalted Butter
- 200 g best quality dark chocolate
- 1 tbsp instant coffee dissolved in 375 ml (1 1/2 cups) hot water
- 460 g caster sugar
- 185 g self-raising flour
- 75 g plain flour
- 30 g cocoa powder best quality
- 2 whole eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 150 C. Grease and line the base and side of a 24 cm springform cake tin.
- Melt butter in a saucepan on a low heat and add the chocolate, stirring to melt. Add the coffee and water mixture and sugar, stirring to dissolve.
- Remove the pan from the heat, stir to combine, and pour into a large mixing bowl. Cool for 5 minutes. Sift the flours and cocoa into the chocolate mixture and stir through. Add the eggs and vanilla and combine with an electric mixer until smooth.
- Pour the mixture into the preapred tin. Bake for 1 1/2 hours, or until the cake is cooked through (this is a very moist cake). The top will be crusty and cracked. If you prefer a smoother top, cut a piece of baking paper the size of the cake top and place it on top of the mixture before baking.
Thanks to David Morgan for styling our cake so beautifully, and to Alan Benson for the fabulous shots.
1 cup cream
350 g good quality dark chocolate, chopped
20g butter
Heat the cream until it comes to the boil. Remove immediately from heat. Pour cream over chopped chocolate and butter and stir until mixture is combined and smooth. Place ganache in the refrigerator for around 45 min to thicken and then spread over cake.
BUTTERCREAM ICING: (Thanks to Savoury Sweet Life for the recipe)
250 g unsalted butter, softened
480 g icing (confectioners) sugar
60 g (½ cup) cocoa powder
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
80 ml (4 tablespoons) milk
Cream butter for a few minutes in a mixer with the paddle beater attachment on medium speed. Turn off the mixer. Sift 400 g of the sugar and the cocoa into the mixing bowl. Turn your mixer on the lowest speed until the sugar and cocoa are absorbed by the butter. Increase to medium and add vanilla, salt, and milk and beat for 3 minutes. If your icing to be stiffer, add a little more sugar. If it needs to be thinned out, add additional milk 1 tablespoon at a time.