Cooking up a storm at WESTFIELD BONDI

BIG NEWS!! This Saturday we will be cooking up a storm at WESTFIELD BONDI (Norton St. grocer area) at 11 a.m. Lisa, Merelyn and Natanya will be sharing some favourite recipes, all suitable for Passover (but enjoyable at any time).



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Now for Something Sweet

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Australia, we have a problem.

So much hate, graffiti, firebombs, explosives, all directed against the Jews of Australia.
How can we allow this to continue?
It starts with the Jews, and that’s never where it ends.

It’s time for every one of us to do something about it.

Speak out, stand up, post something, tell your friends, tell your chat groups, talk about it at work, get in touch with politicians, reach out to our leaders.

One thing I’ll be doing for sure is voting Liberal at the next election. Our government with @albomp has allowed this hate to fester and become acceptable. They have helped normalize antisemitism by their action and inaction.

We all need to something, and we need to do it now.

What are you doing?

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The wisest of words from the most resilient, incredible, awe-inspiring woman.
Words that we all need to hear right now.

Rachel Goldberg-Polin “The beginning of the end, and not the end”.

Read the full article here:

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