The Custard Chiffon Cake: An MMCC Icon

We thought that Mothers' Day was the perfect day to share this heartwarming video.

Monday Morning Cooking Club’s Mother’s Day 2018

To celebrate Mother’s Day, we can never resist sharing this unique video of Merelyn making her late mother Yolan’s glorious – and now legendary –  custard chiffon cake. After years of persuasion, Yolan gave it to Merelyn but sadly never got to see it published. Merelyn treasures this recipe like no other, and feels her mother is with her every time she makes it.

Have a look at this beautiful video where you will learn all the secrets of this magical ‘yellow cake’, and gain a special insight into a special relationship.

The recipe can be found on page 35 of our first book Monday Morning Cooking Club (2011).







  1. Roz Lazarus

    Thank you – will make it in the morning! Will channel my thoughts to you and your beloved mum🙏Shabbat Shalom

    1. Lisa Goldberg

      That’s so lovely. We hope your cake worked out well!

  2. Jason

    Hi Lisa,. What temperature do you bake the chiffon and for how long? Thanks.

    1. Lisa Goldberg

      180C (conventional temp) for 1 hour or until completely cooked through

  3. Colleen

    That looks so lovely. The pan looks like quite a large one. What size pan should I use please?

  4. Zora

    Just wondering if you use a SR flour or plain for a shiffon cake?

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Now for Something Sweet

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The Jewish new year is just about here.

Shana tova u metuka (a good and sweet year)

to everyone here, whether you’re Jewish or not.

We are all friends. And I want to thank each and every one of you for being here, reading what I post, sending me messages or hearts or just being here without saying anything. Thank you!

The past year has not been a good or sweet one

for Israel or our people in the diaspora.

Many of us are now praying more than usual.

Praying for peace in Israel.

Praying for each and every one of the hostages

to come home.

Praying for the safety of the IDF.

Praying for the upside-down world

to right itself.

We can only hope!

May your briskets be succulent

And your honey cakes moist.

With love, Lisa



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