Natanya’s Ricotta Cheese Noodle Pudding…a Tale of Two Nanas…
Natanya’s maternal grandmother, Sarah, was almost 101 when she passed away.
Many, many years ago, Natanya’s other Nana, Betty, gave Sarah this recipe for lokshen kugel, a sweet noodle pudding.
Sarah was always amazed at what a wonderful cook Betty was and how well she managed out of a tiny kitchen, without the use of any modern utensils. Sarah made this dish so often, eventually it became hers and not Betty’s.
So here it is, a heartwarming video from Natanya on how she makes Sarah’s Lokshen Kugel, and how she remembers her nanas.
The full recipe can be found in our book on page 62. It makes a wonderful afternoon tea treat in winter, and a delicious dessert…though perhaps after a light meal.
Kugel is Yiddish for pudding or casserole, and this one is a pudding made of ‘lokshen‘, the flat noodles that are often egg-enriched and perfect for chicken soup. The noodles are transformed by the addition of ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar, apple and sultanas. And of course a little butter! It is baked until the top is golden and crusty, and the inside is soft and irresistible.
It has become one of our favourite winter indulgences…and if there are any leftovers, they can be refrigerated and cut into squares for a quick anytime snack.