‘An Introduction to the Cooking Club’ by Channel 10’s The Circle

This video clip gives a lovely insight into the how’s and why’s of the sisterhood, with an intro by Denise Drysdale.

The crew from Channel 10′s The Circle visited the girls in the Monday Morning Cooking Club kitchen in August last year. This video clip gives a lovely insight into the how’s and why’s of the sisterhood, with an intro by Denise Drysdale. This clip was shown when the girls were on the show to make Jane’s delicious cinnamon buns.



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Now for Something Sweet

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Today on @unitednations HUMAN RIGHTS DAY we stood arm in arm with Jewish women (and a few men!) in Martin Place, Sydney, Australia.

Similar vigils were held in Melbourne and Perth.

Our community calls for the release of all the hostages still being held in Gaza. It is a human rights issue!!

We held a 30 minute silent vigil.
No shouting.
No threats.
No violence.
No intimidation.
No disruption.
The way it should be.

#humanrights #bringhomenow #australia #sydney #bringoursistershome #bringthemhome

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So much to say today and much of it is being said all over socials.

This will do me for starters.

It’s time for a change of government in this country and the election can’t come soon enough.

The damage that has been caused by the action in the U.N by Australia and the inaction in the streets in the face of violent and hate-filled anti-Israel antisemitic protests has caused the situation we are in today.

@albomp and Penny Wong, we’re looking at you.

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