Where you get your Farm Cheese for the Hungarian Cheesecake?

Question: Hi…loving your book!! I would like to know where you get your farm cheese for the Hungarian Cheesecake? Thanks for all your wonderful recipes; I’m from a Jewish family from Philadelphia and have been in Sydney for the last 42 years. There are many dishes I recognise and remember and am having fun making them again!

Answer: A lot of people making the Hungarian Cheese Cake (Eva Grunstein) have asked about Farm cheese. It is a type of cottage cheese in a block form and is available from David Jones food hall or a good continental deli/shop (possibly Norton Street Grocer). A brand that we have used is Brancourts.

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Now for Something Sweet

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The Jewish new year is just about here.

Shana tova u metuka (a good and sweet year)

to everyone here, whether you’re Jewish or not.

We are all friends. And I want to thank each and every one of you for being here, reading what I post, sending me messages or hearts or just being here without saying anything. Thank you!

The past year has not been a good or sweet one

for Israel or our people in the diaspora.

Many of us are now praying more than usual.

Praying for peace in Israel.

Praying for each and every one of the hostages

to come home.

Praying for the safety of the IDF.

Praying for the upside-down world

to right itself.

We can only hope!

May your briskets be succulent

And your honey cakes moist.

With love, Lisa



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